Sunday, October 27, 2013

Catia Interview Question

Expand CATIA
Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
What is the save extension of sketcher file?
. CATPart
Does CATIAV5 work on Unix platform?
Is it possible to increase the size of plane boundary representation & how?
Yes, go for Tools-Options-Infrastructure-Part structure-Display
Difference between new file and new from file?
If you save an existing file in another directory without changing the file name, you will only be able to open one of these files at any given time.
If one of them is already open you will not be able to open the other. This is because both files have same UUID. To avoid this happening each file must have it’s own UUID. This can be done by means of the File—New from...
To create a new document whose basic characteristics are same as an existing document .To do this close document you want to copy if not already closed & select File—New from...
After selecting the existing document from which you want to create a new one & click open. An exact copy of existing document is displayed with a default name.
The only difference b/w this document and already existing one is that the new document is given a new UUID by File ---new from...
Is it possible to directly enter into sketcher workbench?
No, it is not possible to enter into sketcher workbench directly. We have go for any workbench and from there we can enter the sketcher workbench.
Which is the tool used to exit from sketcher workbench to part design workbench?
Exit sketcher
What are default units for LMT?
Mm, kg, sec
What is use of construction elements?
Construction elements assist in sketching the required profile in sketcher workbench.
What is SKETCH TOOLS in sketcher work bench and explain the importance of it?
SKETCH TOOLS in sketcher workbench are the commands, which find their very use in creating sketches. SKETCH TOOLS are namely Geometric & Dimensional Constraints, Construction elements/standard elements and Grid option. They play a very important role in sketching, whenever we want to constrain a sketch we use these options and if we want to convert any element into a construction element once again these options come into picture.
Difference between geometrical and dimensional constraints?
Geometric constraint is a relationship that forces a limitation b/w one or more geometric elements.
Dimensional constraint is a constraint, whose value determines the geometric object measurement.
What is SHOW/HIDE mode?
Show mode enable us to see all the components presently opened and in Hide mode we can hide the desired elements from the view for time being.
Is it possible to hide specification tree?
Yes, with help of F3 button, but the option in Tools command must be checked to allow this.
What is use of Cut Part By Sketch Plane?
This task shows how to make some edges visible. In other words, we are going to simplify the sketch plane by hiding the portion of the material that is not needed for sketching.
How do you measure arc length?
We can measure an arc length by help of MEASURE ITEM command. Sometimes we need to customize the option for arc length if it is not checked earlier using customization in MEASURE ITEM command.
What is meaning of true dimension?
True dimension is the dimension desired after the machining. In other words, this is the value that should be attained after the machining.
What you mean by ISO-Constraints?
If all of the degrees of freedom of geometry have been taken up by a consistent combination of dimensions and fixed geometry, that geometry is said to be ISO-CONSTRAINED. Geometry that still has some degrees of freedom is said to be UNDER CONSTRAINED.
Mention the color code for
ISO –constrained, under, and over constrained elements
The color code for these elements is Green, white, magenta respectively
Difference between stacked dimension and chained dimension mode while using auto constraint option?
In stacked dimension all the dimensions will be measured w.r.t the reference.
In chained dimension the dimensions will be measured one w.r.t other.
What for Animated constraint command is used?
This task shows how constrained sketched element reacts when we decide to vary one constraint.
How many dimensions are required to constrain the ellipse?
Three dimensions are required namely major axis, minor axis and the distance from the origin.
What are different conic sections
Ellipse, Hyperbola and Parabola
What is rho value for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola?
Parabola has RHO value of   0.5
Ellipse has RHO value b/w 0&0.5
Hyperbola has RHO value b/w 0.5& 1
What is spline; did you use it in your studies?

What is polynomial degree of curves in V4 and V5?

What is the difference between symmetry command and mirror command?
In symmetry command, the original sketch is deleted and the new one is created about the reference plane but with the help of mirror command we can retain both the new one and the original sketch about the reference plane.
What is NURBS?
Nurbs are the type of curves.
How many types of co-ordinate systems are there?
Three, namely, Cartesian, Polar and Spherical co-ordinate systems.
Difference between trim and quick trim?
In trim option, we can extend a line along with trimming of other unwanted elements. In quick trim we can only trim a line or curve and we cannot extend or shorten it.
What is project 3D silhouette edges?
Project 3D silhouette edges in sketcher will shows how to create silhouette edges to be used in as geometry or reference elements.
What is use of sketch analysis?
To check whether the sketch is fully closed or not so that the sketch can be used for further operations in part design.
Where do we use axis?
Axis is used in creating Shaft (revolved) feature.
Difference between axis and construction elements?
Axis is visible in part design mode and can be selected but construction elements are invisible in part design mode and are not selectable.
Can we redefine the sketches?
Can axis be converted into line or vice versa?
We can convert line into axis but axis can not converted into line.
How many axes can be created in a single sketch?
Only one axis can be created in a sketch, if more than one axes are drawn then only one of them, the latest one, will be axis and others will be converted into reference elements.
How do we change sketch’s reference plane?
Right click on the sketch whose reference plane is to be changed and select the change reference plane and then select new references.
What is the function of mirror command in sketch?
Mirror command in sketch will create a copy of the sketch about a reference plane.
If I don’t want the relation between original and mirrored elements what should I do?
Explode and the relation between the original and mirror elements doesn’t exist.
What is use of isolate in sketcher workbench?
Isolate is used when 3d geometry is projected onto a sketch in order to be modified and used as part of the sketch’s profile
Can we select non-planer surface as sketch plane?
No, we cannot select a non-planar surface as sketch.


What are the different options available in quick trim command?
Break and rubber in removes part of the element, which is clicked.
Break and rubber out removes part of the element, which is not clicked.
Break and keep keeps both parts of element after breaking.
What do CATIA P1, CATIA P2 and CATIA P3 mean?
P1, P2 and P3 will indicate the different types of platforms of CATIA. Higher the number, sophisticated will be the software.
What is the Kernel of CATIA
Is it possible to directly enter the part design workbench, when we start the CATIA session, instead of assembly design workbench?
No, we cannot enter directly into the part design.
What is the importance of sketch tools?
This tool bar only appears when u r in sketcher workbench. The four tools found in this tool bar are toggle tools. When tool is highlighted the tool is on. This particular tool bar changes depending on what other sketcher workbench tool is currently selected.
What are all the earlier names given to CATIA?

What is the basis for CAD softwares’ classification?

What is kernel?
The kernel is the basic indispensable part of an operating system that allocates resources, such as low-level hardware interfaces and security.
How many degrees of freedom are there for points, lines, circles and ellipse in two dimensions?
Degrees of freedom for points & lines is 2,for circles it is 3 and for ellipses it is 5 in two dimension.
What is meaning of mean dimension?
Mean dimension is the dimension that should be mean of all the dimensions, which are toleranced.
Q What is the difference between spine and spline?
 (1). Spine: Creates a curve passing thro’a point on a plane & normal to one or more other planes.
(2). Spline: Creates a curve passing thro’ several points having tangential Curvature continuity.
Q How many types of environment are available to start CATIA
(1). From desktop [motif]
(2). From console [dterm]
What is the use of FORMTOOL function?

What is hlr and nhr? What is their purpose?
Hlr=hidden line removal
Nhr=no hidden line removal
Their purpose is to visualize the solids in different modes
What is the difference between ISOLATE & SEPARATE?
ISOLATE: Deletes logical link between the elements.
SEPARATE: Separates lines, curves & faces from their links with other elements. EX: - A curve is considered as separate when it is linked to only one surface.
PARAMETRIC SOLID:- Relational model is parametric. i.e., one to one relation.
If any change in dimension that may reflects on other dimensions.
NONPARAMETRIC SOLID:- Developing a solid by using surface, face, solid primitives etc.,there is no one to one relation.

What is Master W/S and Detail W/S?
Each model can have one Master Workspace, in which the model is created and manipulated.
A model can have zero or more workspaces called detail workspaces. These are auxiliary workspaces that contain elements that are to be duplicated to several locations in the Master workspace.
In addition, Detail workspace can also be organized into separate library files using the LIBRARY FUNCTION.These can be shared with many models to allow organizational standardization.


Computer Aided (Design/Manufacturing/Engineering), Product Life cycle Management/ Product Data Management/ Virtual Product Module/ Virtual product data management/Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Is it possible to create pocket or groove as first feature?
Yes, it is possible.
How to give tolerance to particular dimension
First, give the dimension and using right click select ADD TOLERANCE from the contextual menu and specify the tolerance.
What is use of create datum?
Deactivates the link b/w parts
Can you pad open and intersecting profile?
Possible for open profile with thin pad option .Not possible with intersecting profile.
Difference between PAD and MULTI PAD
A PAD is used for single profile and MULTIPAD is used for multi profile sketch.
Can I take portion of the one sketch for creating pad?
Yes, using the MULTIPAD option OR using simple PAD and in simple PAD select GO TO PROFILE option.
It performs drafting, filleting & pocket simultaneously.
Can we use arc as axis for creating shaft feature?
No, we cannot use an arc as axis for creating shaft.
What is difference between from top and from side option in stiffener?
In stiffener from side, extrusion is performed in the profile’s plane and thickness is added normal to profile’s plane and vice versa
What kind of profile should be there for creating stiffener?
We can use wireframe geometry or subelements of a sketch.
Profile may be open or closed but condition is that closed profile ‘s extrusion must be normal to sketch.
Can I give two different angles for same face of solid by using draft option?
No, it is not possible to give two different angles for a single face of a solid using DRAFT but it is possible if we use ADVANCED DRAFT.
What is power copy?
A set of features that are grouped under to use in different context and having the capability to adapt changes when pasted.
What is user feature creation?
Creates hybrid feature, intended to be stored in catalogs and can be instantiated later on.

What is the difference between POWER COPY & UFC?
Parameters can be edited in power copy which is not possible in UFC
Difference between PASTE & PASTE SPECIAL?
PASTE option in contextual menu enable us to simply copy and paste one feature from one location to the other but PASTE SPECIAL option let us to maintain the link between the pasted feature and the original one .Any changes made to the original feature, will be seen in the copied one if we want and we have liberty to de-link the original and copied feature.
What are the different options in PASTE SPECIAL?
As result: In this option the copied feature will be having neither link nor the design specification of the original one.
As result with link: In this option, the copied feature will be having link with the original one but not the design specification.
As specified in part document: In this option, the copied feature will be having both the link and the design specification of the original one.
Is it possible to create negative body?
Yes, using INSERT menu and INSERT BODY option.
How do you differentiate positive and negative body?
A positive body is the one which when assembled with another body it gets added and negative body is the one which when ASSEMBLED with a positive body will get subtracted and it will get added if BOOLEAN OPERATION, ADD is used instead of ASSEMBLE.
What is the difference between assemble and add/ remove?
In ASSEMBLE the nature of the bodies to be assembled are taken into account. It means, if a negative body is assembled with a positive body it gets subtracted. But if we use ADD command for the same two bodies then they will get added irrespective of their nature (+ve or  -ve). REMOVE command is same as that of the ADD and thus it will not respect the nature of the bodies.
What is use of REMOVE LUMP?
Removing of material that is not physically connected to any body.
What is Reframe on and center graph?
Reframe: Zooms on particular object selected.
Center graph: Brings the selected feature in the Centre screen in the specification tree.
What is use the of ‘Reorder’?
The capability of REORDER command allows us to rectify design mistakes by reordering operations.
What is the use of PULLING DIRECTION in Rib option?
It sweeps the profile with respect to a specified direction. To select this direction, select a plane or an edge.
How do I create a plane at an angle to another plane?
Using the option Angle/Normal to plane in PLANE command.
What are different types of coupling modes are there in loft?
Ratio, Vertices, Tangency Discontinuity, Curvature then tangency Discontinuity
What is significance of simplified representation in PATTERN?
With this we can make any object invisible
How I can place the instances on both sides of original feature?
Using Row1 & Row2 options
Is it possible to pattern the two or more features at a time?
Yes (by multi selecting the features and then selecting the pattern command).
What is meaning of ‘explode’ in pattern?
Deactivating the link b/w patterns and makes them as independent entities.
What are the negative modeling concepts?

What are all the limitations of User Feature Creation (UFC) as compared with the Power Copy?
1)      In UFC datums cannot be used as inputs of the features.
2)      Sub-elements cannot be used as the inputs of user features. Ex: -The face of a pad cannot be used as input.
3)      When creating a user feature, it is not possible to edit (add/remove) inputs once you leave the DEFINITION dialog tab. Click the CANCEL button and create the new user feature creation.
What is ‘keep angle’ in rib and slot?
‘Keep angle’ option in ribs and slots lets us to keep angle value between the sketch plane used for the profile and the tangent of the center curve.

Which is the better option to split a solid: - a) surface b) plane c) face?
Plane is the best option to split the solid.
Is it possible to split using the SEW operation?
A FUNCTIONAL SURFACE is the element that defines the face on a solid.
What is IUA? What is its purpose?
IUA=Interactive User Application
Its purpose is to customize the CATIA user command.

What is the difference b/w Affinity and Scaling?
Scaling – Resizing the body to the scale that you specify, in all the directions equally.
Affinity: - Resizing the body to the scale, which you specify in a particular direction only, specified by you.
What is use of MERGE END function?
“MERGE END” option when checked, will limit the extrusion to the existing material.

What is the use of LAW function?
The usage of law function involves the creation of geometry to control the differing aspects of a surface.

What are solid primitives?
Solid primitives are the ready made features available in a particular for use.One just need to enter the dimensions and can have solid ready made.Ex:-box,cylinder,cone,sphere etc.,

What is ‘reference surface’ option in ribs and slots?
It sweeps the profile while keeping the angle value between the axis h and the reference surface constant.
Explain the significance of the options ‘from side’ and ‘from top, in creating stiffeners?
From side: - The extrusion is performed in the profile’s plane and the thickness is added normal to the plane.
From top: - The extrusion is performed normal to the profile’s plane and the thickness is added in the profile’s plane.
What is ‘keep specification’ in pattern?
By checking this option we can have instances same as that of the original and any change made in the original will be observed in the instances.
What is ‘simplified representation’ in pattern?
By checking this option we can make desired objects invisible just by clicking on them.
What is thickness of surface
Infinitely less
What is hybrid modeling
Mixture of solid and surface modeling
Is it possible to set the default color for surface
Yes, we can set default color for surface.

List the different commands available to create surface
Extrusion, revolve, sweep, fill and multi- section.
What is the difference between join and heel?
Using Join command we can join the surfaces, and using the Heal command we can fill the small gap between the surfaces.

What is default value for distance objective in join command
0.001 mm
How does the option nearest in ‘project’ command will affect?
It will show it’s significance when there are more than one profile in a single sketch and if we want to project all of them on a surface then we have to uncheck it, otherwise the only profile, which is nearer to the surface, will get projected and others will not.
What is the difference between face, & surface?
(1). Faces are infinitely thin elements that represent the bounded exterior definition of a part. Faces can be planar or built on existing surfaces.
(2). Skin is infinitely thin elements that are incorporate or group a series of faces together to completely define a feature of part.
 Is it possible to perform a shell operation on a sphere?
Yes, we can shell a sphere .For this, we need to just select the SHELL command and give wall thickness. If we select the sphere as object to be shelled then it will show some error and we cannot shell it.
What is healing of geometry?
This task shows how to heal surfaces, that is, how to fill any (slight) gap that may be appealing between two surfaces.
What is distance objective (in healing)?
It is the maximum gap allowed between two healed elements

What is smoothing of curves?
This task shows how to smooth a curve, i.e., fill the gaps and smooth the tangency and curvature discontinuities, in order to generate better quality geometry when using this curve to create other elements, such as swept surfaces for example.
What is ‘Maximum deviation’ in smoothing curves command?
Maximum deviation (may be in distance or angle) is the allowed deviation between the initial curve and smoothed curve.

What are G0 and G1 propagate in join?
Go propagate: - The tolerance corresponds to the merging distance value.
G1 propagate: - The tolerance value corresponds to the angular threshold value.
What is the file save extension of surface?
. CATPart is the file save extension of a surface.
What is difference between product and component?
Product is a collection of components, whereas component is a collection of features
What is save extension of assembly file?
. CATProduct
What is save management?
Save: Using this option we save all the currently opened/modified files by old name.
Save As: Using this option we can save all the files that are currently opened/modified by different name other than the earlier one.
Save All: Using this option we can save all the files, even those which are not opened.
Save management: The flexibility of the option ‘save management’ lies in the saving of the all files under different names and in different directories simultaneously.
What is visualization mode?
In this mode, only partial data is loaded to the memory of the hard disk, the data will be in the tessellated form and we cannot give constraints to the components in this mode.
What is design mode?
In this mode the data is fully loaded to the memory and we can work on the components. The components in visualization mode can be brought into design mode by just double clicking on the component but vice versa is not possible by just double clicking.
What is scene ?where we use it give any one example
Scenes enable capturing and restoring the state of components in an assembly in a saved viewpoint.        
What is difference between coincidence with same option and contact constraint?
Coincide type constraint are used to align
Elements. Depending upon selected elements you may obtain CONCENTRICITY, COAXIALITY, OR COPLANARITY.
To create coincidence constraint b/w axis systems, they must have the same direction and same orientation in product.
Contact type constraint can be created b/w two planar faces (directed planes)
The common area b/w two planar faces can be plane (plane contact), a line (line contact) or a point (point contact).
How many degrees of freedom will be there for a component in assembly?
SIX degrees of freedom will be there for any constrained component in an assembly.
In an assembly how do I measure degree of freedom for a component?
Activate the component and then go for
 ANALYZE—Degrees Of Freedom.
What is use of stop manipulated on clash command?
It will stop the movement of component when clashed, in compass assisted movement.
What is the function of ‘overload properties’ in contextual menu?
It gives away us the option not to copy a particular component into the drafting from assembly by just selecting it(the particular component) using the contextual menu with ‘overload properties
What is the difference between parametric and nonparametric modeling?
 (1). Relational model is parametric. i.e., one to one relation.
If any change in dimension that may reflects on other dimensions.
(2). Developing a solid by using surface, face, solid primitives etc.,
There is no one to one relation.
What is DESK command?
This command shows us how to view the relationship b/w different documents and to obtain information about their properties.
(uncheck Tools-àoptionsàgeneralàload reference documents)
various document types
BLACKànot loaded in the current session
REDànot been found.
Different types of CACHE
LOCAL CACHEàA read or write directory located locally on your machine and used to store CGR files. The first time a component is inserted it is tessellated. This means that the corresponding CGR file is computed and saved in the local cache as well as displayed in the document window. The next time this component is required, the CGR file which already exists (and not the original document)is automatically loaded from the local CACHE.the user is normally responsible for the local cache.
RELEASED CACHEàA read only cache that can be located anywhere on your network,several directories can be defined for RELEASED CACHE. If a CGR file can not be found in the local  CACHE, the softwere browses the released cache directories in their listed order to see if the CGR file is located in any of them.If the CGR file is still not found, the component is tesseleted and the resulting CGR file is saved in the local CACHE.The site ‘adminstrator’ is normallyresponsible for the released CACHE.
The default maximam CACHE size is 500MB.When the maximam size is exceeded, the automatic deletion of CGR  files (on first in./first out basis)is triggered.
This task shows how to display the document links.
Only direct links i.e. external documents directly pointed to by the active document can be displayed using the EditàLinks. Command.this activated inactive document must be activate before displaying their links.
Note that you can also select an element from the graph to display its links.
What is CSG tree?
CSG=Constructive Solid Geometry
It is equivalent  to specification tree in CATIA V4
What CGR stands for?
CGR= Catia Graphic Representation

How do I come to know about the release of CATIA V5?
Go to HELP –About CATIA V5
What is significance of CAT Settings
CAT settings play a very significant role. These are responsible for all the defaults. One can have default settings according to their requirements in organization.
What is the purpose of IUA?
IUA: Interactive user application, used to customize the CATIA user command
What are CATIA sessions?
What does CSG tree explain?
The CSG tree will explain the steps performed while doing a particular design, it is similar to specification tree in CATIA V5